Abstract Title
LPAI H9N2 outbreak at vaccinated HPAI H5N1 flocks
Avian influenza is globally spread worldwide, part from not being vaccinated bird is the most factors, mismatch vaccine also one of reason for outbreak. High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) caused significant mortality rate rather than Low Pathogenic Avian influenza (LPAI), but LPAI also still showing mortality increment, bird health status has big influence to leaking in antibody protection such as stress level, for example weather transition although the bird raised by good management practices, its will be affected to productivity. The aim of this study was elaborate effectiveness LPAI H9N2 vaccine compared to unvaccinated flock in term of performance in particular antibody titter and presence or absence disease outbreak. Samples were collected until 50-60 Week of Age (WOA) and tested by Haemagglutination Inhibition (HI) test at breeder or commercial layer, any age stage level of infected has different manifestation. The result showed that number of infected birds by H9N2 at vaccinated H5N1 flock showing different pattern depending on age, young age (<40 WOA) and older one (>40 WOA), at young age lower mortality rate approximately <5% but at older one mortality average 10%, the incident whether egg production drop or mortality number between both almost similar around 5-7 days and number of eggs drop production around 60%. Introduction LPAI H9N2 vaccine at poultry flock against field is required to obtain protection. Overall, the study demonstrated vaccinated flock has better performance in term of antibody titter and productivity, and vaccination is one of strategy to protect the flock from field challenge
Haris Setiadi, Roiyadi, Rustono, Lusia Y. Hastanti and Teguh Y. Prajitno
Abstract Category
Diagnostics, vaccination, or other mitigation strategies for poultry and wildlife