Abstract Title
One Health Surveillance Visualization Tool to Improve Country-Level Coordinated, Multisectoral Surveillance for Zoonotic Influenza
The global spread of avian influenza has increased attention on the need to strengthen and coordinate surveillance and response capacity through One Health collaboration. Public Health, Agriculture/Livestock Health, and Wildlife/Environment sectors usually have established surveillance systems, but often, these systems are not equipped for cross-sector information and data exchange. To support requests from partner countries, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention developed a tool to assist countries in establishing, evaluating, and conducting coordinated, multisectoral surveillance.
The One Health Surveillance Visualization Tool (One Health-SurViz) is an interactive, web-based tool that allows government officials to create visual schematics of their current sector-specific and cross-sector surveillance systems. After sectors finalize a visualization of their current systems, the tool facilitates cross-sector collaboration to define future One Health surveillance actions and modify and prioritize intended changes to surveillance that would help improve zoonotic disease prevention and control. The tool is designed for flexible use in country-facilitated workshops, virtual meetings, and/or independent inputs. One Health-SurViz also creates reports for each sector and for multisectoral coordination that can be used for training, approval, surveillance monitoring, and advocacy.
In One Health-SurViz’s first iteration, two diseases most frequently prioritized globally through the One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization Process, zoonotic influenza and rabies, will be available. The anticipated benefits of using the One Health-Surviz include earlier detection of emerging zoonotic disease events, enhanced surveillance and information sharing within and across sectors, more timely coordinated response and prevention, and reduced overall expenditures through resource sharing.
The One Health Surveillance Visualization Tool (One Health-SurViz) is an interactive, web-based tool that allows government officials to create visual schematics of their current sector-specific and cross-sector surveillance systems. After sectors finalize a visualization of their current systems, the tool facilitates cross-sector collaboration to define future One Health surveillance actions and modify and prioritize intended changes to surveillance that would help improve zoonotic disease prevention and control. The tool is designed for flexible use in country-facilitated workshops, virtual meetings, and/or independent inputs. One Health-SurViz also creates reports for each sector and for multisectoral coordination that can be used for training, approval, surveillance monitoring, and advocacy.
In One Health-SurViz’s first iteration, two diseases most frequently prioritized globally through the One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization Process, zoonotic influenza and rabies, will be available. The anticipated benefits of using the One Health-Surviz include earlier detection of emerging zoonotic disease events, enhanced surveillance and information sharing within and across sectors, more timely coordinated response and prevention, and reduced overall expenditures through resource sharing.
Christine M. Szablewski (Influenza Division, National Center for Immunization and Reparatory Diseases, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Ria Ghai, PhD (One Health Office, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Dominic Cristiano, MSc (One Health Office, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Casey Barton Behravesh (One Health Office, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Abstract Category
Avian influenza in mammals, pandemic preparedness, and one health